In February 2019, the Australian government Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee launched an Inquiry into the Feasibility of a National Horse Register.
The inquiry takes particular reference to:
- the existence and adequacy of state or industry-based registers;
- the benefits of a national register, including for animal welfare, biosecurity safety (including for the prevention and management of Emergency Animal Diseases, such as equine influenza and African Horse Sickness), backyard breeding and the integrity of trade in horses;
- overseas models of national tracking systems for horses;
- funding, enforcement and penalty implications; and
- any related matters.
CPR made a submission to the inquiry which can be read here.
The Committee invited us to provide evidence at a public hearing, in relation to the committee’s inquiry at Parliament House in Canberra in September 2019 which we gladly accepted.
We will report back as soon as we receive information as to the inquiry outcome.
Megan Gray says
Your submission to the inquiry into the horse traceability register was fantastic. So well said! I would really like to see the appendix to the submission if possible?
I think horse owners should have to pay an amount towards the national register for every race their horse runs in.
I would really like to get involved with your organisation and give my time where possible to support the cause.