For Immediate Release, Wednesday 10 March 2021 Protest at Wellington Student Day at the Races – At least six horses killed on track already this year What: Protest – Student Races When: Saturday 13th March 2021 11:30 – 13:30 Where: Cnr Sutherland Drive and Fergusson Drive, Heretaunga, Upper Hut (outside Children First Early Childhood Centre) Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses (CPR) will have a strong presence outside the Wellington Racing Club this Saturday protesting Student Day at the Races. “People, particularly the younger generation, are increasingly turning their backs on horse racing due to the suffering and deaths inflicted on the horses it uses. The industry knows this, so intentionally markets days to students, to lure them into supporting animal abuse and developing gambling habits” said CPR spokesperson Frances Baker. This Saturday, the Wellington Racing Club is offering live music and free transport to the races whilst also using the facade of glamour in the hope that students will turn a blind eye to the fact that it is a day of misery for these sentient beings. “Students are naturally enticed to the idea of a party, which would normally be great, but not when it is in support of an industry that abuses animals for entertainment and profit. A train ride and dance floor cannot make up for the fact that horses are suffering from injuries and being killed behind the scenes. It’s not a party for the animals”. Baker said, “If we really take a hard and honest look at what these horses have to endure, and reflect on how they are being controlled by humans to run for their lives – literally, would students really want to support this dying sport? Horse racing is a blood sport and it’s 21st century legalised cruelty.” “The regulatory impact statement released by The Treasury admits that generational change is behind the demise of the racing industry as we are continuing to see a big shift in consciousness towards using animals for entertainment.” “University’s including Victoria and Massey and their associations VUWSA and MAWSA , as well as Whitireia and Weltec have an opportunity to encourage students to re-think their choices. There is no excuse in this day and age to support this so-called ‘sport’ that harms animals whilst causing problem gambling, ruining the lives of individuals and their families. Our tertiary education providers need to be setting an example and leading the way when it comes to practices that belong in the history books.” “There are plenty of places to go and have a good time in Wellington. Don’t attend the races on Saturday because we all know it’s not OK for society to hurt animals” Baker said. ENDS Editor’s notes The real truth about horse racing – what the industry will not tell you: *Horses are fed concentrated diets leading to stomach ulcers. *They display unnatural stereotypical behaviours because they are kept up to 22 hours a day in stables. *They are forced to run for their lives, putting them in danger whilst being whipped by a human on their back, leading to heart attacks, lameness and fractures. *Science shows us that whips hurt horses. *Studies show that approx 90% of horses bleed deep in the lungs due to exercise induced pulmonary haemorrhage. *Horses are being unnecessarily killed on and off the track. *Approx 3,000 horses are disappearing from the NZ horse racing industry on a yearly basis. In 2020 we saw: 12 Deaths 473 Occassions of excessive whip use 147 horses were fractious 263 total injuries 149 serious injuries 41 horses were found bleeding from the nostril because of being raced too hard For More information: |
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