Our newly released DeathWatch Report reveals that 151 thoroughbred racehorses died on Australian racetracks in the 2023/24 season. This equates to at least three horses being killed on track every week – and these are only the deaths that CPR can confirm.
Download the report here DeathWatch 2024 Report
Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses (CPR) Campaign Director Elio Celotto says the racing industry’s efforts to hide the deaths of racehorses are greater than ever.
“As horrific as the reported numbers are, the true number of horses killed is much higher”, Mr Celotto said.
While our dedicated DeathWatch team monitors every race result and Stewards Report across the country for incidents of ‘euthanasia’ on the track, an ever-increasing number of deaths are identified by tracking the horses who are injured on track.
These horses will suddenly appear as ‘deceased’ on their records shortly after their last race, often meaning they were transported off the racetrack to be put down out of sight from the racegoers.
“As the nation prepares to get into party mode for the Melbourne Cup, people need to know they are actually ‘celebrating’ the maiming and murder of magnificent, highly intelligent and sensitive animals on an industrial scale,” Mr Celotto said.
“I’m sure the champagne wouldn’t taste so sweet if people were aware of how cruel and abusive this so-called sport is.”
Our DeathWatch 2024 Report exposes that New South Wales was responsible for the highest number of racehorse deaths at 48, closely followed by Victoria with 44 deaths.
Find detailed stats on deaths, injuries and case stories of horses killed in the full report. View or download it here: DeathWatch 2024 Report.
Pete Tually says
Your latest report is bang on about a better effort towards hiding the truth.
See above link. Not sure of the horse but was trained by Dean White. Most observers claimed it was the worse racehorse injury in living memory. Snapped both knees with a compound of the MC bone apparently.