Perth Cup Protest 2025

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 3.24.07 pm

Start Date/Time :

01/01/2025 3:00 pm

End Date/Time :

01/01/2025 6:00 pm

Event by Animal Activism WA and Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses

Location: Ascot Racecourse

Start your New Year standing against animal exploitation!

UPDATE: On Monday 30th December we sent out a media release calling for the Perth Cup Race Day to be abandoned due to the extreme heat forecast. Nonetheless, Racing WA insist on running the races despite the 40-degree heat forecast. It is crucial we are as many as possible present to speak up for the horses on 1st January in Ascot.

Information on heat stress in horses:

“Healthy adult horses can balance accumulation and dissipation of body heat to maintain their body temperature between 37.5 and 38.5 °C, when they are in their thermoneutral zone (5 to 25 °C). However, under some circumstances, such as following strenuous exercise under hot, or hot and humid conditions, the accumulation of body heat exceeds dissipation and horses can suffer from heat stress. Prolonged or severe heat stress can lead to anhidrosis, heat stroke, or brain damage in the horse.”


Meet us on the corner of Raconteur Dr (near gate 6) at 12pm or find us opposite Gate 4 or 6 if arriving later.

Please dress smart-casual – dressing up is encouraged.
Come prepared for the weather – bring a hat, sunscreen and water. There may not be shade.

First race has been announced to start 3:40pm. We meet at 3pm.

Stay updated about changes and RSVP here.