It is very welcome news to learn a City of Melbourne Councillor will be putting forward a motion at the upcoming Melbourne City Council meeting to withdraw current support, and make ineligible any future applications for support of horse racing events or celebrations.
TAKE ACTION and email your support of the motion now! Contacts at the end of this article.
At the 12 November 2019 Melbourne City Council (Future Melbourne Committee) meeting, Cr Leppert to move —
If voted in by the councillors
That the Future Melbourne Committee:
1. Condemns the systemic cruelty and ‘wastage’ produced by the horse racing industry.
2. Directs management to amend and republish forthwith the City of Melbourne’s Event Partnership Program guidelines and Triennial Sponsorship Program guidelines with an additional class of events added to the list of ‘ineligible applications’ being “Events that celebrate or involve horse racing.”
If voted in, this would ensure an end to the annual Melbourne Cup Eve Parade which is nothing more than a glorification of gambling and animal abuse.
The parade is becoming a dismal affair, with the number of supporters dropping each year as the number of protesters grows. And it all comes at a huge cost to City of Melbourne ratepayers who fork out an “undisclosed” but no doubt huge amount towards an already multi-billion dollar industry.
The City of Melbourne likes to refer to itself as a progressive city, but when it comes to animals it repeatedly fails to live up to this position. The elected Councillors need to hear from you and know that you expect them to do what is right and support Councillor Leppert’s motion to condemn the horse racing industry and withdraw all future support.
A majority vote of 6 of the 11 Councillors is needed.
Email the Lord Mayor now and CC all the Councillors. Make your email polite and respectful. You can also make an official submission in support of the motion here.
Lord Mayor Sally Capp
[email protected]
Deputy Lord Mayor Aron Wood
[email protected]
Nicolas Frances Gilley
[email protected]
Philip Leliu
[email protected]
Rohan Leppert
[email protected]
Kevin Louey
[email protected]
Cathy Oke
[email protected]
Beverly Pinder
[email protected]
Nicholas Reece
[email protected]
Susan Riley
[email protected]
Jackie Watts
[email protected]
Images: Animal Liberation Photography
Horse racing is cruel, barbaric and outdated. The industry is in it for the money. Wouldn’t it be great to dump it and just celebrate animals for who they are.
Please do the decent thing and end all support of horse racing.
Please, please do more cruel, cruel horse racing until stristrictest animal welfare practises are in place. Nup to Cup
Stop the parade and the horse racing – it is animal cruelty and should not be promoted.
I sent an email to the Lord Mayor expressing my concerns.
I really hope a positive outcome eventuates to protect beautiful horses.
The ABC report still haunts me and a ending to this shocking industry has to happen
It is no better then the running of the bulls! Humanity is dying. Its a living animal not a Machine! End the Melbourne cup!
Animals are not here for our entertainment! Stand up for those that have no say in their own lives! Stop this barbaric sport now!
Please don’t glorify an industry that promotes animal cruelty. Times are changing, change with the times.
Please stop supporting cruelty to all horses and don’t support horse racing
Please do the decent thing and end all support of horse racing.
End all horse racing PLEASE
I applaud you in advance for ending support of horse racing events. Thank you
Please stop abusing these beautiful animals. We need to move forward and stop living the past. Stop horse racing please
Please do not support this cruel and barbaric sport
Please put an end to this disgraceful cruel industry.
The majority of Melbournians wont nothing to do with the Melbourne cup. Its an embarrassment to our beautiful city.
Let’s end all horse racing
I dislike that they let him cheat
End THIS horror
Stop the cruelty
I continue my commitment to see horse racing relegated to the history books.
Please provide an update on the outcome of this motion presented at the council meeting on 12 November. Thanks