For Immediate Release, Monday 26 October, 2020 Activists release study that confirms thousands of racehorses are sent to slaughter every year A new report and documentary film about to be publicly released by the Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses (CPR) reveals over 50% of the horses being killed at Meramist slaughterhouse over the period of a two year investigation are from the racing industry, the vast majority being thoroughbreds. One year after ABC’s 7:30 explosive investigation ‘The Final Race’ was aired, CPR has released a 38 minute documentary (watch here) and detailed report (read here) on the findings from the video evidence used in the story, that was obtained by undercover investigators. Based on the data gathered from the strategically placed undercover surveillance cameras, the study reveals that more than 4,000 thoroughbred racehorses are killed every year at this one slaughterhouse alone. This is in total contradiction to Racing Australia’s claim that less than 1% of racehorses are being sent to slaughter. Many of the horses being killed were still listed as ‘active’ or ‘retired’ on the Racing Australia website. “It has long been claimed that the horse racing and horse slaughter industries share an unofficial economic partnership and this report proves it” said Elio Celotto, CPR Campaign Director. “We’ve been disputing the racing industry’s figures for years and despite trying to make them acknowledge and address the routine killing of unwanted racehorses, they continued to deny it. It took a two year investigation to provide the proof which they can no longer refute” Mr Celotto said. “It is just not conceivable that racing regulators have not known of the scale of the wastage problem. It is much more likely they were trying to pretend it didn’t exist or worse still, deliberately hide the truth.” Over the last seven years, CPR has made numerous communications to all principle racing authorities with concern for the large numbers of racehorses that are routinely sent to slaughter. “If the average punter knows his losing bet is off to the glue factory, how is it possible that the racing regulators didn’t know despite being repeatedly told?” “The racing industry has no more excuses. They must act now and ensure that all racehorses are given a proper life after racing that doesn’t end up at the slaughterhouse.” “It is of some comfort to know that Racing Victoria are now listening and are finally taking positive steps towards addressing the wastage issue. Racing NSW, on the other hand, was making ridiculous claims that zero NSW horses were being sent to slaughter right up until the 7:30 story aired.” “Racing NSW CEO Peter V’landys still refuses to communicate with CPR. It says a lot about the integrity of an organisation when they block your emails and refuse to respond to concerns about the welfare of the horses they are responsible for” Mr Celotto said. “The industry can no longer continue to offer these false assurances that racehorses are loved, treated well and that most are rehomed. Support for the horse racing industry is support for the horse slaughter industry”. “The racing industry spends ten of millions on marketing to promote horse racing. If they have any chance of regaining the respect of ordinary Australians, they now need to spend this money on the horses and give them all a retirement plan” Mr Celotto said Key PointsOver 10 days, 952 horses out of total of 1682 were confirmed as racehorses. 776 were thoroughbreds and 176 were standardbredsThe retirement form only provides information about the horse’s location at retirementRacehorses cannot be traced after they have been moved from their initial retirement destinationAn estimated 3,000 mares are retired from breeding every year who are not accounted for by the retirement form27.7% of racehorses identified at the slaughterhouse last raced less than 6 months before being killed42.2% of racehorses identified at the slaughterhouse last raced less than 12 months before being killed.Of the many NSW horses discovered at the slaughterhouse that were supposed to be protected by RNSW Local Rule 114, 14 came from the same stud and were killed on the same day. Further images and footage from the investigation can be provided on request. ENDS |
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