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For Immediate Release, Friday 30 October 2020 Animal Rights Activists Travel to Whanganui To Protest The Last Jumps Racing Event Of The Season – Calling On The New Government To Ban Jumps Racing. What: Protest against Jumps Racing When: Sunday 1 November, 2020 11am – 1pm Where: Wanganui Jockey Club, 19a Purnell Street, Whanganui Jumps Racing – Russian Roulette For Horses Seven horses have been reported as killed on New Zealand racetracks so far in 2020. Five of those horses died directly from jumps racing. The industry will do it’s best to protect its reputation and not report on deaths caused by on-track injuries where possible so the true number is likely much higher. RIP those that have died so far in this year’s jumps racing season; Bad Boy Brown – video here – 1:32 Perry Mason – video here – 4:53 Al Haram – video here – not an obvious injury but carnage for many horses across the race Lucky Escape – video here – 1:54 Wagner – video here – 2:59 13 total incidents were due to jumps racing (limb injuries, fractures, bleeding present in noses, lameness) “We are against jumps racing because it forces exhausted horses to negotiate hurdles, greatly increasing their risk of injury and death. Meanwhile this is promoted as entertainment, as the public place bets on these innocent beings’ lives” said Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses (CPR) spokesperson Frances Baker. “Falls are extremely common in jumps racing. In fact, jumps racing is 20 times more dangerous than flat racing. It is immensely challenging for the horse to tackle these high fences, especially whilst surrounded by other horses.” “We all know what happens to the horse when they suffer a fracture. They’ll be ‘humanely’ euthanised – a life cut short because they couldn’t make it to the finish line and make thousands of dollars for their owners. When you actually take some time to think about this situation; it’s shocking that this is taking place in modern society. We are supposed to be civilised.” Ms Baker said. “In most states in Australia they do not support jumps racing. It has been made illegal in NSW and only persists in Victoria and South Australia. Why is New Zealand continuing to stay in the past by flogging these sentient beings and forcing them to run and suffer for people’s entertainment? Jumps racing is simply barbaric and out-dated.” “Overall, horse racing is a stressful practice for them. They’re forced to run at fast speeds, will be whipped to the finish line and approximately 90% will bleed deep in the lungs.” “When horses are not dying on track in the name of ‘having a great day out’, many are killed behind the scenes for not being profitable. Approximately 3,000 New Zealand thoroughbred horses are unaccounted for on a yearly basis.” More here. Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses is calling on the new government to ban jumps racing immediately. It is inherently dangerous and inhumane. ENDS For More information: horseracingkills.com horseracingkills.com/2020/05/19/new-zealand-wastage-estimates/ |
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